Absolute Muse Menu 1.3

Creating a cool menu has never been so easy. With the Absolute Muse Menu you can design it entirely in Muse. With literally just a few clicks, you’ll get a highly customizable menu container where to drag and drop all the objects you need. You can choose from different transition options and hamburger animation and select the direction you want the menu to open in. Go to the preview to read more details about the product.

Version 1.3

- General bug fix
- Fixed bug that caused displacement of footer items

Version 1.2

- Muse native widgets now work with Absolute Muse Menu

Version 1.1

- Fixed contents now work properly
- Fixed Nav Hamburger is always visible when fullscreen option is enabled
- The Menu content opacity now works properly in fullscreen mode
- A background image can be added to your page
- A new option allows you to push the Fixed Nav when the menu is open

943 sales

Product Details
Release date: 08-03
Last updated:10-07
Current version: 1.3
File format: .mulib